Aviso de Privacidad

Privacy Notice

Servicios turisticos, comerciales y profesionales your destinations SA de CV better known as Your Tulum, with address on Mercurio Pte 20, Manzana 00, Tulum Centro, Tulum Quintana Roo. And their website www.yourtulum.com, is responsible for the usage and protection of your personal data, for which we inform the following.

Why do we use your personal data?

The personal data gathered will be utilized for the following services.

Getting response from inquiries and the provision of any services that were required through the website.

What data will be used?

To accomplish the activities listed above and in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal information.

Identification and contact information.

Travel dates and activities information from your stay.

Will we be sharing this information?

We might share your personal data to institutions,people, organizations and authorities outside or inside of our country for the following reasons.

Inside of our country

Providers (transportation, culinary services, tours, etcetera) in order to schedule those services.

Marketing campaigns from Your Tulum and any of our brands.

How can I get access, modify or cancel my personal data, or ask to revoke it from this website?

You have the right to know what personal data we have from you, what it is used for and the conditions we give it (access). As well, you are within your right to request to be corrected in case that is not updated, is no correct or incomplete (rectified); to be deleted from our records or cata base when you consider appropriate (Cancellation); or to oppose of the way it is used(Opposition); This rights are known as ARCO.

In order to make use of any of the ARCO rights, you have to send an inquiry to the email hola@yourtulum.com, the email should have the following:

– Full name

– Address

– Phone number

– Email address that is used in this website

– ID copy attached

– Email subject ‘ARCO rights’

The email should describe the objects that want to be removed, modify or canceled, they should be listed and no limited to the following: Revoke of consent to use your personal data; notification of improper usage of your personal data; usage of your ARCO rights, with a detail and precise description of the data you want to have access to, rectified, cancel or oppose. In the event of rectifying of personal data, it must include the exact modification and anex the proper documentation that supports such claim; it is important that in the event of revocation of rights, you have to understand that not all claims could be rectified right away, this could be due to legal obligations. Lastly, note that the revocation or cancellation might imply that we won’t be able to provide a service previously requested or the conclusion of our business relationship.

Estimated time of response

5 business days

How will we follow up to your inquiry?

Communication will be made through the same email where we received your inquiry.

Tracking technology on our website.

Be informed that our website uses cookies, web beacons and other technologies, from which it is possible to track your internet behavior, this to offer you a better service and experience. The information used is the following:

Trackers, username, login password and prefered language.

Cookies, web beacons and other technologies can be enabled. To know more about this consult menu and browser help. Note that if the cookies are enabled it is possible that you cannot access certain features from our website.

How can I be informed about any changes in the privacy notice?

This privacy notice can be modified, changed or updated due to new legal requirements; from a need of our organization or services; change of our business model or other reasons. We commit to keep updated the privacy notice at any given time so you can always consult it directly on our website. www.yourtulum.com

Last update: 21/06/2024